Metallic & Foil Decoration

Cold Foil

Cold Foil printing adds a striking shine to your entire package surface. The technology offers a similar finish as Hot Foil stamping but does not alter the surface of the original substrate. The image is printed onto a package with the use of a UV curable cold foil adhesive. Once the foil is transferred to the package, the foil is cured with a UV light. The Cold Foil technology is only used on smooth surfaces and in the personal care market on lotions, face wash and shampoo packages.

Hot Stamping

This dry printing process is similar to Cold Foil stamping and provides a reflective element to your package. Hot stamping is done as a secondary step after printing. Using heat and pressure, a metallic foil is transferred from a roll of foil to the package using a stamp. Hot Stamping offers numerous finish textures and foils while providing optimal coverage on diverse substrates. Hot Stamping is used in high-end or salon cosmetic and hair care markets to create a super-premium quality and image for your package.


Metalizing your plastic package will emulate the look of metal and enhance your premium brand image. A coating metal is brought to boiling point in a vacuum chamber. The condensation inside the chamber deposits the coating onto the package. A Metalized decoration will add a striking element to your entire beauty & personal care package, including your closure, to create a premium image for your package.

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